Figure 1 Publishing

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Kluane First Nation receives Indigenous History Book Prize

Figure 1 is delighted to share that Kluane First Nation (KFN) has been awarded the 2024 Indigenous History Book Prize, a national award for the best book in Indigenous History.

The Nation received the award for Lhù’ààn Mân Keyí Dań Kwánje Nààtsat: Kluane Lake Country People Speak Strong, which commemorated the 20th anniversary of KFN’s self-governance agreement.

In the book, KFN Elders share stories from their lives, knowledge of their traditional territory (Á sì Keyi, “my grandfather’s country”), and insights on the building of their self-governing First Nation.

The announcement was made on June 18 during National Indigenous History Month, and just days before National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 12.

The award is offered by the Indigenous History Group, a committee affiliated with the Canadian Historical Association (CHA).

Lhù’ààn Mân Keyí Dań Kwánje Nààtsat: Kluane Lake Country People Speak Strong is a truly collaborative, transdisciplinary, historical, prescient, and creative work with broad appeal,” CHA stated at the award ceremony on June 18, in Montréal.

KFN community members will celebrate the success of the book during a feast at the Annual Harvest Camp later in the summer.

Congratulations to the Nation! Figure 1 is proud to be your publisher.

Learn more about the book here.

June 19, 2024
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